Developer Story

My Name is Elizabeth Bekele This Is my Developer History.I graduated business and administration. And I have worked for almost 25 years.I can say that I am a responsible and hard working person. Moreover, being a sociable person, I have many friends since I like to communicate with people.I appreciate friendship and people who surround me. I do have a great connection with my family.I have a daughter who is learning in university and a two year old son.My experience with computers was challenging but in a good way.I was 16 years old I was learning a computer in the trailing center.It was challenging because 1 desktop for 2 or 3 students.I started working at the Government office as a full time employee in my country.I have a personal computer and an office computer.I have been working different positions and all of them required using a computer.can agree that I have an Excellent Microsoft skill and internet exploration.I want to learn web development because I want to broaden my knowledge of learning new computer skills.Therefore,I joined Refcode and I am excited and happy for this chance to ring the change. I came across web development course while using an htpp file. I was curious the term and I started.browsing how to build my own files. And starting from their I started to learn the well as the astatic and function of building a web.After a while hearing this class I decide to learn and have a better knowledge.This year is the year that I would say I started the web development that have been about the web and internet. I also opened a github account and start loads of javascript and css.projects.